Under Grip Padel Beach Tennis – Noene – Antishock
Proteggei tendini da microtraumi e infiammazioni come l’epicondilite
Riduce l’affaticamento di mani, polsi, gomiti e spalle.
Massima protezione per la prevenzione di infortuni e infiammazioni anche nelle attivita quotidiane (tagliaerba,decespugliatore,trapano ecc…)
Padel and beach tennis are sports where heavy impact of the ball on short and stiff rackets stresses the joints. This is why the NOENE® PADEL/BEACH TENNIS UNDER-GRIP plays such an important role. Its task is to absorb and PROTECT from vibrations (the cause of joint issues such as wrist tendonitis, epicondylitis and hand tingling). Thanks to the 1mm thickness NOENE® tape it guarantees maximum grip and comfort.
Dimensione : 2,5 x 50 x 0,1 cm
Solo 1 pezzi disponibili (ordinabile)